Come and Join the Fun!

The Parents Rota

Helping out at a session is a great way for parents to see what their child gets up to during their time at pre-school. We welcome grandparents, other relatives and other carers as well as mums and dads.

The children take real pride in having their ‘grown up’ come in and share their day. There are all sorts of activities you can help take part in, from arts and crafts to baking cakes (real ones, playdough ones, and even imaginary ones!)

Could you read a story?

If you aren’t able to spend a full morning with us, you could just come half an hour early before collecting your child, and join us for Group Time. The children really benefit from hearing stories read by lots of different people, and they love it when their ‘grown up’ is the one reading.

Sign up in the foyer, or email Becky with the date and session you would like to join (morning, afternoon or just for Group Time).

Volunteer parent helpers allow us to:

  • give even more time and attention to each child;
  • talk with the children about their interests and activities;
  • help children to get even greater benefit from the activities we provide; and
  • allow the children to explore and be adventurous in safety

Ways that parents can help

  • exchanging knowledge about their children’s needs, activities, interests and progress with the staff;
  • helping out at pre-school sessions;
  • sharing their own special interests with the children;
  • helping to provide, make and look after the equipment and materials used in the children’s play activities;
  • being part of the management of the pre-school;
  • taking part in events and informal discussions about the activities and curriculum provided by the pre-school;
  • joining in community activities in which the pre-school takes part;
  • building friendships with other parents in the pre-school; and
  • recommending us to prospective parents.